Monday, October 22, 2012

By Request: Links to Book Blogs for/about Boys

At reader Jocelyne's request (she has all boys and would like to know about the boys' book blogs I've found) here are some links to book blogs geared toward boys:

Also, two blogs I regularly read always have great suggestions for books for boys (because they have boys):

  • Fanny at Fanny Harville's Unschool Academy has some great chapter book suggestions for books for boys. Check out her read-aloud lists. (See her side bar to get you started.)
  • Erica at What Do We Do All Day? also has lots of great suggestions and book lists she reads to her two young sons, from picture books to chapter books.

Are there more great ones I'm missing?


  1. I think that over at Ms. Yingling Reads, she trys to post books for boys pretty regularly on her Guy Friday feature. I have always found it hard to find good books for boys, though it is getting better these days.

    1. I've never seen the lack of books for/about boys. Granted, I've seen the lack of desire on boys' part to read, but in general I find that is more a product of their environment, especially their home environment, and their parents' attitudes toward reading.

  2. What a great list! Wish I had more to add :)

  3. Thanks for mentioning me. :) I keep debating if I should make a list of boy-protagonist books we like, but I always put it off. You've got some great links here, I'm not familiar with all of them so I look forward to checking them out.

    1. You should do it! It would be a really useful post.

  4. Thank you! I've only heard of one of these sites so it will be fun to spend some time looking through them!

  5. Great list, and thanks for mentioning my blog! As you know, I try to push back against the idea that there are "boy" books and "girl" books, but I'm looking forward to checking out this list. I'm always looking for good books, whoever they are supposed to be for.

    1. As you know, I try to push back against the idea that there are "boy" books and "girl" books...

      I know you do, and I do too. I know I didn't express myself well enough, but I was careful to say in my post and tagline that we will feature books "about" girls, not for girls. I know some people may not see a distinction, but I do.

      As always, enjoyed your comment.

  6. As a mom of three boys, I am always on the lookout for books that will appeal to them but be enjoyable for me as well. Thanks for a great list of resources.

    1. Yes, must have adult appeal, especially if you have to read it out loud! ;) I'm glad the list's a help. Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  7. This is a great help. I'm a self-published author of a boy-centric paranormal action series with some good reviews from Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Judges and the School Librarian's Association and I'd love to get some feedback from other dedicated reviewers. I'll check out their sites to see if they accept "the likes of me"! Thanks for saving me a whole lot of time.
