Friday, March 23, 2012

Popular Books Everyone Else Has Read But Me (It Seems)

  • The Hunger Games trilogy. I'll mention this first because of all the movie hype surrounding it right now. My mom and sister have both read it and recommend it, but it's not a series I've had a burning desire to read.
  • The Harry Potter books. I should probably have my children's-lit-lover card pulled, but I couldn't get into this series. I've tried several times with the first book, and I've quit every time.
  • The Chronicles of Narnia. I yawned my way through the first book when I was 11, and remember very little about it. I never had any desire to read the rest of the series. On the other hand, my sister read and re-read them.
  • Charles Dickens books. I've tried at various times over the years, but I'm just not drawn to his writing style. I've never been able to finish one of his books.
  • John Steinbeck books. I never had to read any of his works in my British international high school, or at university (amazingly) and I've still not gotten around to it as an adult.
  • Stephen King books. I'm not into the horror genre, and until recently, I thought that was all he wrote, but I've since learned that's not so, far I've not given any of his books a try. (I love the movies The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile, both film adaptations of his works.)
I'm sure there are more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.


  1. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. If I ever get a faint urge to read this, I just reread Pride and Prejudice.

    Actually, I reread it anyway.

  2. LOL, Beth! I've never read any of those, since they're not my style. I do tend to be pretty irritated by all Pride & Prejudice spin-offs.

    1. I mean that I've never read any of those classics-turned-creature books. (I re-read my comment, and it didn't seem very clear.) I've read P&P itself many times.

  3. This is so funny to me. I agree with you on most of these. I have read The Hunger Games but I'm just not THAT into them. Dickens and Steinbeck? Ugh no thanks! I like Stephen King but I haven't read all his books nor do I intend to but I like the ones I have read. I never could get into The Chronicles of Narnia either. Anyway, my point is, because I agree with you on most of these I'm shocked you didn't like the Harry Potter books! That's OK, though, there not for everyone.

    1. Like Dickens works, I keep periodically trying them, thinking I must be missing something if sooo many people like them. Maybe one day...

  4. I never thought I'd read The Hunger Games because dystopia is not my thing, but several of my smartest friends have told me how great they are, so I've requested it from the library. I'm #319 in line (they have 277 copies, though!)

    Also Stephen King? Not reading him should be looked on as an accomplishment.

    1. Wow! That is one long waiting list! And a lot of copies, so hopefully you'll get it soon. I keep telling my mom and sister that I'll get around to reading them one of these days...

      I'm laughing at your Stephen King comment.

  5. I agree with you on almost all of these! I did start the Harry Potter series, and liked what I'd gotten through so far. I'll get back to it eventually. The Chronicles of Narnia I didn't enjoy as a kid, but I listened to the whole series on audio book with my girls and we did enjoy them.

  6. Hmmm. . . I'm not a Steinbeck fan, though I have read several of his works. Ditto for Faulkner. I actually fail to pick up on most trends, but the only one that comes immediately to mind is the Twilight series. I hage no desire to read about vampires. However, I do have HP on my TBR list, and I did read and enjoy The Hunger Games trilogy.
